
Designed to help and improve performance of student’s preparation for external and internal examination.

Designed to help and improve performance of student’s preparation for external and internal examination.

Designed to help and improve performance of student’s preparation for external and internal examination.


Personal Case Study

Case Study


Visual Design

UI & UX Design




Osita Emmanuel

Project File Link

Introducing eLearn, the perfect solution for Nigerian students facing exam prep hurdles. Developed by myself and fellow designer Osaite Emmanuel, eLearn suits Pre-secondary, Junior, and Senior levels, ensuring unmatched convenience, functionality, and exam readiness. With a user-friendly interface, practice tools, and note-taking features, eLearn is designed to simplify your exam prep journey.


In recent times, Nigerian students have struggled to access exam preparation materials. Personally, I've experienced this challenge firsthand, lugging around stacks of past questions popularly called "PAQUE," which became quite burdensome. It's frustrating to lack easy access to essential exam resources. Whether in Pre-secondary, Junior, or Senior levels, we face a scarcity of past questions crucial for preparing for external exams, making studying more difficult.


eLearn will provide a solution by offering a platform that assists students from Primary, Junior, and Senior secondary school levels in practicing and preparing for exams. It will also enable students to retain crucial information through note-taking features. With eLearn, students can practice past questions and access relevant exam-related information effortlessly.

Design Process

The stage of our design process was carefully and systematically done with the aim of understanding our targeted users. The result will got will be our benchmark for our product delivery.


Qualitative Research

In other to successfully have an insight about the industry, A total number of 30 students were used as population of the research. We took out time to carefully interview our respondents by asking them some questions but not limited to the following.

  • What class are you?

  • How do you prepare for examinations?

  • What are the difficulties you face as a student preparing for examination?

  • Do your school provide you with past questions for examinations?

  • Have make use of an app to study before?

  • What challenges have you faced using any of these apps?

  • Would you love to have an application that helps you prepare for your exams?


After our research, we discovered that.

  • Students who often prepare for external examinations are mostly not provided with resources to study for their exams.

  • Most student are not aware that, they can actually study/practice past questions through their phones.

  • Majority of the student (60%) are unable to purchase past questions to prepare for examinations.

  • In most cases, some of the past questions they practice with are mostly not accurate in their answers.

To further give a more pre-defined meaning to our findings, we decided to also take a Quantitative Research to truly understand our discovery from the qualitative research, following the guide questions above.

From the survey that we carried out. We discovered that.

  • Most students have access to mobile phones.

  • A good number of students make use of smartphones.

  • Students love learning through their mobile phones.

  • Students would love to have an app that provides them access to learning past questions.

Selected comments from interviewees

“Having an app that can help me study without me having to pay for it will surely help me in my studies. Most times, the apps I see are usually paid. The prices are scary, so I don’t bother using them. If there’s an app that does opposite, I will surely like it and also introduce it to my friends at school”

Moses - Jss 3

“Having an app that can help me study without me having to pay for it will surely help me in my studies. Most times, the apps I see are usually paid. The prices are scary, so I don’t bother using them. If there’s an app that does opposite, I will surely like it and also introduce it to my friends at school”

Moses - Jss 3

“ Having an app that allows me to prepare for my exam will be super amazing. I would prefer something that is beautiful and easy for me to use.”

Christian - Primary 6

“ Having an app that allows me to prepare for my exam will be super amazing. I would prefer something that is beautiful and easy for me to use.”

Christian - Primary 6

“If e-learn is sure to provide accurate answers to past questions especially in physics and mathematics, that would be a win for me. I had to stop using one app (name witheld) because some of their answers were not accurate. If e-learn can improve on this, I would love it!”

Nathan - SSS 3

“If e-learn is sure to provide accurate answers to past questions especially in physics and mathematics, that would be a win for me. I had to stop using one app (name witheld) because some of their answers were not accurate. If e-learn can improve on this, I would love it!”

Nathan - SSS 3

“The app should allow me to store important information or something like a diary for keeping notes after study. This is a great initiative especially for those of us that cannot afford to buy past questions. I can use my dad phone to study that way.

Jennifer- SSS 3

“The app should allow me to store important information or something like a diary for keeping notes after study. This is a great initiative especially for those of us that cannot afford to buy past questions. I can use my dad phone to study that way.

Jennifer- SSS 3

User Persona

Empathy Map




  1. It should be user friendly.

  2. It should only have recent past questions.

  3. The price should be very much affordable.

  1. It should be user friendly.

  2. It should only have recent past questions.

  3. The price should be very much affordable.




  1. Some findings about how the app works

  2. See the ratings and people’s comment.

  3. Check to see if its updated.

  1. Some findings about how the app works

  2. See the ratings and people’s comment.

  3. Check to see if its updated.




  1. Would definitely love to try something new.

  2. Wouldn’t mind giving it a try.

  3. It would be nice if it is simple and easy to use.

  1. Would definitely love to try something new.

  2. Wouldn’t mind giving it a try.

  3. It would be nice if it is simple and easy to use.




  1. I need an app that can help me study need something that is easy and understandable.

  2. I should be able to practice without issue of network

  3. I should be able to save important information without loosing them

  1. I need an app that can help me study need something that is easy and understandable.

  2. I should be able to practice without issue of network

  3. I should be able to save important information without loosing them

User FLow

Low Fidelity



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