
Revamped the Craigslist website to enhance user experience, applying key UX principles for simplicity, consistency, and user-friendly navigation. The redesigned site focuses on modernizing the interface and ensuring a secure and engaging platform.

Revamped the Craigslist website to enhance user experience, applying key UX principles for simplicity, consistency, and user-friendly navigation. The redesigned site focuses on modernizing the interface and ensuring a secure and engaging platform.

Revamped the Craigslist website to enhance user experience, applying key UX principles for simplicity, consistency, and user-friendly navigation. The redesigned site focuses on modernizing the interface and ensuring a secure and engaging platform.


Personal Case Study


Visual Design

UI & UX Design





Project Goals

Improve Usability

Increase User Engagement

Improve visual design

Let users know what the site does and emphasize the mission statement

A well detailed product page

Making a More Easier To Use Log In and Sign Up Page

Better showcase the breadth of content using a more modern UI

How this will be accomplished

Updated and visually appealing interface

More user features and personalized recommendations.

Intuitive navigation and filtering options

Consumer-friendly product pages with detailed information

Enhanced consumer protection measures

Improved search with advanced filters.

By implementing these solutions, the redesigned Craigslist will offer a more modern and user-friendly experience with updated interface, enhanced search and filtering capabilities, improved navigation, and safety features will make it easier for users to find what they need and connect with trustworthy sellers.

Various law of UX I have taken time to align with this new design

Jakob's Law:



This law emphasizes the importance of meeting users' expectations by aligning with familiar design patterns. The redesigned Craigslist was made to follow standard conventions and user expectations for an online marketplace, making it easier for users to navigate and understand how to interact with the platform.



Hick's Law:

This law states that the time it takes for a user to make a decision increases with the number of options available. The interface was simplified by reducing clutter, organizing content into meaningful categories, and providing clear and concise options for users.

Fitts’s Law:



This law describes the relationship between the size of a target and the time it takes to reach it. Interactive elements, such as buttons and links, are ensured to be large enough and well-spaced to make them easy to click or tap on, improving usability and reducing errors.

Law of Simplicity:



Simplicity is key to a good user experience. The re design strive for simplicity by eliminating unnecessary elements, reducing cognitive load, and focusing on the core functionality that users need to accomplish their tasks.

Law of Consistency:



Consistency in design helps users build mental models and predict how elements and interactions will behave. A consistent design language was maintained, layout, and interaction patterns across different sections of the Craigslist platform to provide a cohesive user experience

By considering these laws of UX during the redesign process, you can create a Craigslist platform that is intuitive, user-friendly, and aligned with established principles of good design and user experience.

The Login Page



Navigation Bar: The old design has no navigation bar, this new design will ensure easy navigation for users and as well meet the industrial rend of UI design



Options to sign in vai social media account, makes signing in fast and easy



A well Noticeable Call To Action button

This new design has solved the problem of learnability and also obeys the fitt’s law, as the time required to move to a target is well placed and concise, making all button easy to click and more user-friendly

The Home Page

The Home Page

The Home Page



Navigation Bar: The old design has no navigation bar, this new design will ensure easy navigation for users and as well meet the industrial rend of UI design



Options to sign in vai social media account, makes signing in fast and easy



A well Noticeable Call To Action button

This new design has solved the problem of learnability and also obeys the fitt’s law, as the time required to move to a target is well placed and concise, making all button easy to click and more user-friendly

The Product Page

The Product Page

The Product Page



Navigation Bar: The old design has no navigation bar, this new design will ensure easy navigation for users and as well meet the industrial rend of UI design



Options to sign in vai social media account, makes signing in fast and easy



A well Noticeable Call To Action button

This new design has solved the problem of learnability and also obeys the fitt’s law, as the time required to move to a target is well placed and concise, making all button easy to click and more user-friendly

Other Screens

Other Screens

Other Screens

This new design has solved the problem of learnability and also obeys the fitt’s law, as the time required to move to a target is well placed and concise, making all button easy to click and more user-friendly

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Define purpose, solve problems, set scope and achieve goals - let's make magic together.

Define purpose, solve problems, set scope and achieve goals - let's make magic together.